The Two Hottest Names In Chicagoland Pizza Think Dave Should Review Al's Pizza In Warrenville

I've known about this review for a while. It actually dates back to August 5th, so about 3 weeks. Dave and I were chilling together at Barstool River North having completely normal conversation. He wasn't ripping into me or making fun of me or calling me dumb in any way. Just a couple of fellas yucking it up. 

That's when I heard he reviewed John's Pizzeria on Western Ave. Now I really like John's. As far as pizza goes on north or west sides, it probably my favorite. That doesn't mean it's on the same level as Vito and Nick's, Rosangela's, Phils, etc., but I think it's excellent and I order it regularly.

Dave gave it a 6.8. I'm kinda over Dave's dislike of Chicago tavern style at this point. It is what it is. That's when he told me about this place called "Zaza's" and that he fucking loved it. 

Ummmm... who? I googled it and realized it's a place I used to drive by every single day I'd go to the office. I lived on Clark St. in Lincoln Park for a few years and Zaza's is at the corner of Clark and Halsted. I will say this - I judged a book by its cover completely and totally. When I'm looking for a pizza joint, I want a first name like "John's Pizza" or something completely greaseball Italian like "Vito's" or "Leo's". Not Zaza's. Not trying to eat hipster pizza with avocado and shit on it while watching football. I'm trying to consume so much great, sausage, pepperoni and cheese that I can't move come halftime of the Bears game they're inevitably losing.

Anyways, these guys were hitting me up constantly to get Dave in. I'd post the full convo but this is all ya need to see:

They gave me their sales pitch as if Portnoy would listen to me on anything ever. Credit to me for knowing my role and I told them as much. I hadn't had the pizza anyways, so I wasn't in some rush to try to sell Portnoy on pizza that may or may not be good. 

But Eddie got him to go there. I'm guessing it's because it's literally a 3 minute walk from our office and it was out of ease, but they crushed the review. At least crushed it better than just about any other pizza joint in Chicago has crushed it. Awesome! 

Fast forward to yesterday. Now it's time to check out the pizza. Ed and I stroll in, pick up 5 pies for the office, and Chad (the owner and oldest brother) asks why I follow Al's Pizza in Warrenville on IG. I said, "Because I'm from Warrenville". Chad and his brother instantly lit up and were like "ummmm we're from Warrenville."

Wtf? Warrenville is small town USA to a T. Turns out Chad is a 2010 Wheaton Warrenville South grad. I'm a 2007 grad. That means we were in HS at the same time. We didn't know each other, which is very weird considering EVERYONE in Warrenville knows each other, but we probably grew up in the same neighborhood of our little 13,000 person town without even realizing it. Go figure. Two pizza guys from Warrenville IL make what Portnoy says is the "best pizza he's had in IL" 

Portnoy wasn't lying, either. I don't often go out of my way for NYC style pizza, but the pizza is FANTASTIC. Straight up great. I've been to John's of Bleecker and personally I don't see much of a difference at all between Zaza's and John's. John's has them beat  on the "old school, shithole, dumpy pizza spot" vibes, but that's about it. 

But it doesn't stop there. They also want Portnoy to review Al's in Warrenville. Everyone has seen me try to coax Dave into giving it a shot and he's refused because he doesn't respect me on any level, especially not a human level (nor should he). But he respects Chad and his brother (sorry Chad, forget your brother's name. I'll remember it next time we meet.) 

So, don't take it from me Dave. Take it from your two favorite pizza guy's in all of Chicagoland:

Excuse the sunglasses, I needed a pair because I lost mine last weekend and bought these at Target for $20 until my new shades arrive. That, and I figured we'd be filming outside

So there you have it. Dante says Al's is the best chicago tavern style he's had. He is an east coast guy and doesn't typically dig Chicago tavern style. Chief has said the same, and is also an east coast guy who doesn't dig Chicago style. Eddie loves it. Everyone who's ever consumed that pie in the 60 years Al's has been in the EXACT same location in that small red neck town 25 miles west of Chicago loves it. 

Dave? He'll give it some shit score I'm sure, but if he's ACTUALLY a pizza guy, he'd expand his horizons and give it a shot eventually. Ya know, instead of coming to Chicago to find the best NYC style slice like he does now. 

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